I'm a software engineer with 15 years of experience in software analysis, design and development.
My experience in software development goes beyond coding, and I have acquired knowledge across a wide range of technologies, including programming languages, web applications, cloud computing, big data, operating systems, virtualization, blockchain and security.
I'm currently involved in the design and development of high performance, mission critical applications for telecommunication and financial industries.
Software development has been my main focus across the years and I've worked with different programming languages and frameworks.
I've developed web application both for enterprise and consumer customers.
I've used all the major database systems and I have a good knowledge of how they work. The advatages of each one of them and how to select the best fit for a specific requirement.
I use Linux as my main operating system and Mac OS X is also an option. Not worked with Windows in a while but I'm sure I still know how to use it if needed :)
Working in the core banking domain to build a functional platform that can easily be integrated by internal and external customers.
Currently working on a new major revision of the proprietary core framework used to develop all the solutions offered by CST;
Analysis and development of products for the financial market;
Analysis and design of a Big Data solution to process the increasingly large amount of data the customers have stored in their legacy systems. The main goal of this project was to create a consistent and manageable flow of information that can be used by the other systems without relying on large SQL database instances.
Architectural improvements of the proprietary framework used in the development process of the products offered by CST;
Analysis, development and improvements of financial products used to fulfill regulatory requirements by banks and other financial institutions;
Development of visualization tools integrated with Google Maps to display geographical information collected across different sources;
Analysis and development of an integrated system used by customers to easily track and monitor their delivery process.
Design and development of a Billing system for corporate customers in the financial market;
Design and development of web application used in the telecommunication industry to automate and improve configuration tasks in IT infrastructure;
Design and development of a performance critical system for Rating and Billing of wholesale customers;
Analysis, design and implementation of enterprise order management system for customer management in the telecommunication industry (design of BPM processes and implementation of a rule engine management system).
Analysis, design and implementation of service oriented applications to integrate information retrieved from multiple systems into a single consistent business view;
Implementation of custom server components to establish a reliable tunnel between multiple networks, allowing exchange of low level message with a proprietary communication protocol;
Design and development of client applications for interaction with API exposed by a proprietary product (Oblicore Guarantee) used for contracts management and SLA/KPI metrics evaluation.
Working as Oracle BRM software developer on systems for telecommunication services rating and customer billing (worked on both client and server components);
Software developer in a wholesale order management application based on a business process model to coordinate complex integration with existing systems in the customer IT ecosystem;
Involved in developing custom extension for a reporting framework able to generate output in multiple formats according to different configurable templates.
Thesis: “Analysis and development of a clustering framework to evaluate results of different algorithms on a shared document collection”.
Main topics: Distributed Systems, Web Data Structures and Algorithms, Artificial Intelligence, Advanced Cryptography, Computer Graphics.
Erasmus student (exchange program) - January/June (6 months).
Main topics: Embedded Systems, Computer Security, Operating Systems.
Thesis: “Development of metrics for analysis of mobility models in wireless ad-hoc networks”.
Main topics: Mathematical Analysis, Physics, Computers and Networks Architecture, Operating Systems, Algorithms and Data Structures, Database Systems.